Larry Skipper, Rick Posten and Tommy Rebozo | |
George Abraham, Fred Rebozo, Richard Allen, Rick Posten, Fred Sacco, Mike McWhorter, Tommy Rebozo and Larry Skipper | |
George Abraham, Freddie Sacco, and Rick Posten | |
Richard Allen, Feddie Sacco, Marcia Stoller, Tommy Rebozo, Mike McWhorter, Rick Posten and Fred Rebozo, George Abraham and Larry Skipper | |
Larry Skipper and Richard Allen | |
Fred Rebozo | |
Rick Posten, Tommy Rebozo, Larry Skipper, George Abraham and David Stroller | |
Rick Posten, Freddie Sacco, Tommy Rebozo |
1960 - Breakfast on the beach after Prom Crandon Park Beach
Freddy Sacco and Corrine Cornelius | |
? and Merle Davis | |
White | |
Fred Rebozo | |
George Abraham | |
Fred Rebozo, Mike McWhorter | |
The Ideal Girl | |
Feddie Sacco and Corrine Cornelius | |
White, Marcia Stoller | |
Tommy Rebozo giving a lick to a pledge | |
Bob Roof | |
Fred Sacco | |
Tommy Rebozo | |
Tommy Rebozo and Marcia Stoller at Stoller's house |
1961 - 1st Semester Pledges
Gene Moyer David Stoller Tommy Rosendale Rocky Lindsley Butch Ruthaler David Schriner
Pledges on a Bike ride in front of Pledge David Stoller's house | |
Pledges on bikes | |
Pledges preparing for the "Big Bike Race" | |
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Must be the winners...where are the others? | | |
Interfraternity Party given by Counts
"The Big 3" Bruce Fisher (Pres. of Stags) Freddie Rebozo (Pres of Counts) and Bob Wilcox (Sgt-at-arms - Ching Tang) | |
Cheryl Speck, Frances Flynn (Tallet), Fred Rebozo, Bob Peacon (Ching Tang) and Barbara Van De Mark (Tallet). | |
David Moss (Ching Tang), ??, David Dworkin (Ching Tang) and Joann Wright. | |
Jim Heines (CT), Ann Stockdale (Tallat) | |
"The Big Three Banners" | |
??, Bob Clein (Stags), ?? | |
??, Bob Mulgrew, Ron Pantello (Ching Tang)and Ester Hersh | |
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Mary Beth Spiecker (Co-Eds), Bruce Hale (Ching Tang) | |
Bartender, Marcia Stoller (Counts Sweetheart), Tom Rosendale (Counts) | |
??,Mike Warden Liz Milikin (JG) Scott DeGarmo (Ching Tang) | |
Rocky Lindsley and Vickie DeRoy | |
Don Miller (Stags) ??, Nikki Cefalu (Tallet), Bruce Fisher (Stags) | |
Tom Rosendale | |
Janet Swanson (JG), Bob Hayes (Ching Tang) | |
Hired Bartender, David Schirner and Tom Rosendale | |
??, Nita Boone (Co-Eds), John Frates (Ching Tang) and Sidney Cullen (JG) | |
David Schriner | |
1962 - First Semester - RUSH PARTY
| |
Frank Robinson and ? | |
Todd Disner, Jeff Giles | |
Doug Evans and Druanne Regan | |
Doug Evans with Druanne Regan | |
David Schriner | |
Jeff Giles | |
Rocky Lindsley, Doug Evans and Tom Rosendale | |
Tom Rosendale and David Stoller | |
Fenton Hutchinson | |
Jeff Giles, Pasty Wakefield | |
Frank Robinson | |
Fred Rebozo | |
Bobby Regan, Bob Perez, Many parties were held at the Regan House. | |
Jeff Giles | |
1962 - 1st Semester Pledges
Perry Christian Bill Harrison Frank Koutas Richard Morgan Frank Robinson Steve Seymour Mike Warden
Bill Harrison, Perry Chistian, Mike Warren and Frank Koutas | |
Doug Evans amd Mike Warren | |
Todd Disner, Frank Koutas, Jeff Giles, Mike Warren, Perry Christian and Harold Skipper | |
David Schriner and Bill Harrison | |
David Schriner | |
Lenard Fite, Doug Rosendale, Tom Hutchinson, Todd Disner, David Schriner and Harold Skipper | |
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16 | |
David Stoller car and Warren Gentry car. | |
The Gang | |
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George Abraham | |
Gene Moyers and Rocky Linsley | |
The Gang | |
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Out Fishing: Top Row: Harry Miller, Dick Rosendale, Kenny Berry Bottom Row: Roger Coller and Mike McWhorter | | |